Buying Running Shoes On The Cheap
When I first started running, it was BN, or before Nike, so running shoes were little more than P.F. Flyers or Sneakers. Yes, there were …
easy and fun ways to stay healthy and fit
When I first started running, it was BN, or before Nike, so running shoes were little more than P.F. Flyers or Sneakers. Yes, there were …
Background Of the millions of viruses in existence, we’ve identified about 5000. Most viruses can’t live outside their host, i.e., you. After all, they’re not …
When I was a kid, I remember seeing a Dannon Yogurt commercial that stated that the people who lived the longest in Eastern Europe consumed …
Although congregating in large groups is discouraged, practicing the Wim Hof Method is actually precisely what you want to be doing in these challenging times. …
The issue of what kills (deactivates may be more accurate) coronavirus came up. First, coronavirus is a flu. There are seasons for the flu. In …
My primary focus is on helping to minimize the natural decline of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in my body. Secondary are the factors linked to …
It’s not rocket science, or is it? I am reminded of the book and movie, “The Andromeda Strain.” by Michael Crichton, M.D. Dr. Crichton was …
First: Remain Calm! As of 3/10/2020, Colorado has 12 cases of coronavirus (COVID-19.) I have been preparing for its arrival in a unique way which …